Yeshua Ha'Mashiach's Light of Love.



Old Testament

New Testament

The Talmud

Messianic Prophesies

Down The Road

Messianic Groups

The message to us from Yeshua (aka Jesus) Ha'Mashiach (the Messiah) in the Ketuvei Hashalichim (New Testament or Writings of the Emmisaries).

OUTLINEING STATEMENT: A conversation about the Talmud.

"While we do not consider the Talmud or any other commentary on the Scriptures as the Word of G-d, we believe that the writings of Oral Tradition, such as the Talmud, the Mishnah, and the Midrash Rabbah, also contain further insight into the character of G-d and His dealings with His people." ~ CTOMC from the Statement of Faith.

Nothing definitave could be found on the UMJA website regarding the Talmud.

Considering the above one needs to realise that the Talmud was written by men as a commentary on the Torah, therefore the Talmud CAN be studied and the rules therin may be followed except where the writings conflict with the Torah itself. One must take the Talmud with a grain of salt. The Talmud in essence is the Judaic version of Christian books written about the scriputres and include the written opinion of the Rabbis who wrote them. The authors of this website take the stand of the CTOMC wherin the Talmud is not scripture but commentaries that may reveal more on the charactor of Ha'Shem. One must never hold the Talmud as higher in importance than the Torah.