Yeshua Ha'Mashiach's Light of Love.



Old Testament

New Testament

The Talmud

Messianic Prophesies

Down The Road

Messianic Groups

The message to us from Yeshua (aka Jesus) Ha'Mashiach (the Messiah) in the Ketuvei Hashalichim -Apostolic Writings (New Testament).

OUTLINEING STATEMENT: Torah Observant Messianic Organizations

There are many large and small Messianic Jewish organizations existing today, as well as many Messianic places of worship that are not affiliated with any particular organization. The group(s) represented on this site will only be the Torah Observant Messianic Organizations which there are few.

CTOMC- Coalition of Torah Observant Messianic Congregations

The CTOMC is a Torah Observant organization which realizes that the Torah is for ALL who believe in Yeshua as the Messiah (Ha'Mashiach). They do not teach the non-jewish believer to disobey the word of G-d on the Sabbath as many organizations are prone to do. The CTOMC is truely observant to the scriptures and as such are a light to the nations. They live out G-d's commandment that they are to teach the world the ways of G-d. The CTOMC is a "Whole house" organization and does not teach the "two house" ideology. They worship Ha'Shem and keep His Torah (Divine Instruction). They do not follow Torah to be saved, but because they are already saved through Yeshua. They teach salvation is only through the mercy and redemptive act of Yeshua Ha' Mashiach. I have provided a link to their statement of faith... to view please press the CTOMC banner that is displayed.

UMJA- United Messianic Jewish Alliance

The UMJA or United Messianic Jewish Alliance is a Messianic Jewish organization that DOES NOT believe in the "Two House" ideaology, and does not approve of the common use of the Sacred name of G-d (YHVH). They also are Torah observant and do not teach non-jews to be disobediant on the Sabbath. The UMJA is on the North West coast of the United States. The UMJA believes that Ha' Mashicah is our only salvation and that walking in the Torah is the path of sanctification. The UMJA does not accept the replacement theology (New Testament in place of the Old). For more information on their beliefs please click on their banner posted above.